
Creating something
valuable through challenging,
connecting, collaborating,
listening, reflecting and


Being responsible for people and communitites, including our beautiful family members, helps us to behave in a matured and versatile way


We believe in the power of effective collaboration. All of us are part of a network, where the quality and the depth of the relationship defines the culture and values

Being a lighthouse

By doing the right thing and behaving as a role model, we serve our clients by example. Our aim is influencing people’s thinking through just simple acting in the proper way


Creating something
valuable through challenging,
connecting, collaborating,
listening, reflecting and


Being responsible for people and communitites, including our beautiful family members, helps us to behave in a matured and versatile way


We believe in the power of effective collaboration. All of us are part of a network, where the quality and the depth of the relationship defines the culture and values

Being a lighthouse

By doing the right thing and behaving as a role model, we serve our clients by example. Our aim is influencing people’s thinking through just simple acting in the proper way

What we do

We do not ”productize”.
We faciliate & design the right
solution or journey.

Enterprise transformation

Facilitating positive change in all dimensions

When demand arises to put the company to the next level, or increase the overall maturity of the business at various dimensions…

We drive and facilitate complex change management scenarios with the primary objective to build sustainable growth at all levels. We work closely with the owners and C-level management and guide them through the required change; develop and facilitate the change management process, collaborate with all key stakeholders ensuring they are fully aligned and act as a real team; cooperate with the central project management function and support them to perform exceptionally.

Business case

Working closely with the owner and the CEO of our client we helped them to define their growth ambition, vision, and supported them in developing their strategies accordingly. Together we defined further strategic areas of their development, like human strategies, sales efficiency, innovation, digitalization, improvement of certain support functions, and integrating their foreign subsidiaries into one global structure. This required serious changes in how the leadership works, consulting with the stakeholder on a daily basis, and we became an integral part of their organization. Our primary focus is to support them to handle this extremely complex transformation, also, to make it clear who they are, what values they have, and how they can effectively collaborate through role modelling those values. In terms of measures, the above will have an impact on the company’s operational income and margin percentage, but also on the overall revenue they earn. Human factors like the level of collaboration, overall satisfaction, quality level of the workforce, building communities, and their position within the ecosystem are also considered as a success criteria. This is a long-term alliance that is built on trust, respect and honesty.

Executive Search

Organizational efficiency

Enhance full alignment

When the company is struggling with its workforce efficiency and they see a huge potential but having difficulties in addressing it…

We develop and implement human strategies and talent development solutions; design and finetune culture and values schemes, improve talent acquisition efficiencies and employer branding; develop human strategies; build new functions and processes related to talent development; help the client to become more client focused and incorporate client experience into their approach; fix operational procedures and structure to ensure effective operation; support in improving employer branding through implementing EVP kind of actions.

Business case

The Client had a highly dysfunctional management team causing plenty of issues at various levels of the organization. We guided the Client to talk through the situation, to discover more alternatives as possible solutions, and rank them, finetuning the very best to ensure it will serve as an ultimate solution. We introduced the new model, invited the new members of the management team, coached them, helped them to understand the concept, and provided daily support to the CEO to manage the new setup properly. We contributed to change the characteristics of the management team through reinforcing concepts like inclusiveness, collaboration, trust and transparency initially. It was a very slow process adhering to the new structure, but as more and more members understood the concept and the potential, they started supporting the others to achieve full alignment. As the trust level improved, the level of collaboration reached higher and higher, resulting in a positive impact on organizational and operational efficiency, role modelling towards the workforce, launching and implementing large projects with improved success rates.


Innovation & digitalization

Building the future today

When the company sees a huge potential in becoming more innovative and digitize their processes and build on data driven analytics….

We develop various scenarios to manage internal and external innovation related activities. We support to design and implement digitalization strategy covering all functions of the business; design internal procedures and forums to handle internal innovation opportunities; help to incorporate innovation into the everyday culture of the organization; we support putting the client into the right ecosystem with the right activities; supporting them to see what is going on in the market, design pre-digitalization programs to improve the approach and maturity level of the leadership through means of digitalization; develop tailor-made digitalization plan covering all aspects of the strategy; support setting up internal functions and competencies to handle the whole digitalization program.


Operational efficiency

Enablement and effective operation

When the company is facing with bureaucracy, slow decision making and unaligned resources functioning at high cost…

We support mid- and back-office functions to improve their alignment with the business strategy and models, and significantly improve their performance and support towards client centricity; improve policies and procedures related to operation of service or production; educate workforce to become fully aligned; address issues around innovation and digitalization that may have a huge impact on operational efficiency; work together with all stakeholders to ensure smooth implementation of all the strategies needed for a change.


Sales efficiency

Achieving predictable and solid sales performance

When the company feels there is room for better sales performance, when they see the potential and the opportunities to sell more services or products…

We support the client in addressing the issues and develop the right strategy to achieve improvement of sales performance; finetune sales competency frameworks and drive the change management process; develop account management and growth strategies, offer practices and solutions to address new customer acquisition; develop improved structures and solutions for sales operations and enablement; support clients in sales strategy design; develop and implement sales team management, and sales leader coaching programs.

Business case

We work with the sales leader and the board member who looks after sales and operations of the company. The objective is to improve sales efficiency at all levels, also support the sales leader to represent his or her function at the board level. Beyond fixing certain issues around the quality and performance management of the sales force, our main focus is to support the sales leader to improve his coaching skills in two dimensions. When coaching his team members, the goals is to achieve full alignment and increase the performance bar. Also, when interacting at the board level we influence the board’s decisions affecting the sales function, in the areas of strategies, processes or empowerment. Our ambition is to reinforce the importance of human/talent strategies at the board level and support the board expanding their focus in these areas.

Executive Search

Talent Development and Assessment

Enhance full alignment with corporate values and strategy

When the Client is committed to improve leadership’s quality and versatility that are key factors to organizational growth and excellence…

We support organizations in identifying their top talents, observing and assessing their alignment and competencies in real business context. Our Talent Assessments solutions, such as Management Audits, Assessment and Development Centers, provide valuable insights on the health and implications of leadership succession, progression plans, and potential future movements within the team. We also give guidance on individual development planning to achieve their own career ambitions.

Business case

We won the assignment of managing an executive leadership level assessment and development center. These assessment and development solution are embedded into both the hiring and the internal progression or promotion processes. Beyond the standard features of this process we customized it in a way to make the role playing and simulation parts extremely relevant and valid. Preparing the observers, the executive leaders ready to run such scenarios, to handle almost real-life situations with the observed employees or candidates required certain interventions from our side. The whole exercise is run in the context of their defined leadership competency framework, and all dialogue fully resonates accordingly. The way any feedback is articulated is also critical. Irrespective whether it is an assessment or developmental feedback, all observation is communicated in an objective, constructive and positive manner. As the result, participants felt the attention, the developmental focus, the intention to provide professional support, resulting in improved commitment and engagement, also taking personal responsibility to address all developmental needs. Providing post-audit support was also a part of the deal, through conducting special programs such as the New Director Assimilation Program, or running follow-up sessions or coaching the respective audience.

Executive Search

Career Compass

Career Coaching and Re-energizing leaders

When the company is facing business challenges and handling sensitive changes in leadership, with impact on the career of the affected employees…

We support our clients during these difficult times of separation with personalized and smooth outplacement and career coaching solutions. We do not simple re-energize, but facilitate towards their next career milestone. We assess the individual’s capabilities with solid job market focus and support their career decisions. As part of the solution we proactively help participants with networking activities while searching their next leadership role.

Business case

Handling the separation of a C-level colleague may require professional support.
We were approached by the client to support their departing CEO in providing career coaching and guiding him towards achieving his next career step. It is more than outplacement services. The level of personalization, the need to apply professional coaching qualities, the potential impact on the organization and on the affected person, the guidance we provide makes it more tailor-made and special. We designed the journey and through proper consultation we earned his trust and commitment to cooperate. In a coaching setup we ‘facilitated out’ and defined realities, opportunities, ambitions and a potential. As a result we were able to see the context and narrow down the options and define a clear strategy, that included CV re-design that is aligned with his social media presence, learn from job market insights, train him in interviewing, address individual development needs, discover networking opportunities and tasks. Step-by-step he progressed in reaching his milestones and getting closer to be invited to conversations by potential employers. We did not only helped him to make his next career turn, but provided support in improving his skills and capabilities, to increase his market value and fulfill his career and personal ambitions in regards to ‘purpose of life’.

Executive Search

Leadership Dynamics

Building the highest performing team

While interacting with our Clients we may experience issues around collaboration, trust or alignment…

To ensure they are on their journey to becoming the highest performing team, we facilitate them at team and individual level to identify their strengths and roadblocks, guide them towards improved inter-personal relationship, perfect alignment with vision and strategy, forming a team who are capable of outstanding performance.

Executive Search

Talent Acquisition Efficiency

Improving the capabilities to attract and hire the best
Current hiring has a strategic context and emerges as a burning issue… The efficiency in how we attract and hire talent is critical and determines our capabilities in building our teams. We provide a perfect talent acquisition team with the right skills and capabilities, the policies and protocols that define how they work, the tools and techniques they use, the search and selection methodologies they apply, and the right approach to on-board selected candidates are all key to improve the efficiency of how we hire and build our teams. Our ‘A-to-Z’ approach will help you to fix all the above.

How we do


We believe in the power of effective cooperation. We build on each others’ strengths and bring all stakeholders to the table to find the right solution.

Development focus

Our approach to any issues is built on the basis of developing people and structures, and building something that works better than before.

Solution orientation

We focus on the positive outcome and the sustainability of the results of our contribution that serves the need of our stakeholders.


We facilitate changes through involving, collaborating, empowering the stakeholder to do the right thing.

User experience

We help our clients to enhance customer centricity, where it is the user who is in the spotlight.

Results orientation

We support our clients to achieve their goals. We ensure gradual step-by-step improvement and smooth implementation.

Dr. Gábor Gyimesi

Senior Consultant – Executive Search

Dr. Zoltán Korpás

Managing Partner – Executive Search

Klaudia Mezővári

Research Consultant – Executive Search

Ágnes Mészáros

Research Consultant – Executive Search

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