The team

Dr. Gábor Gyimesi

Senior Consultant – Executive Search

I believe in co-creation. As a consultant, my primary objective has always been to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges at hand, to provide a solution that open new dimensions for addressing the situation effectively.

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With my educational foundation including master’s degrees in engineering, economics, and law; my goal is to bring a multidisciplinary approach to my clients. Whether managing a business development project, delivering HR diagnostics, or conducting an executive search, I approach each assignment to find the optimal solution for the given situation.

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Dr. Zoltán Korpás

Managing Partner – Executive Search

I’m not just an HR professional, who believes in credibility and acts responsibly while having impact on other’s business needs.

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I’m also an intellectual, a Historian who explored and put in cross-border context unknown episodes of the history of Early Modern Hungary. The crossroad of the two parallel professions is a guiding principle for me focusing on value creation and sustainability as well: both as HR advisor also as Historian the fruit of my contribution is creating something stable and long-lasting.

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Klaudia Mezővári

Research Consultant – Executive Search

Supporting individuals and corporations in reaching their objectives is coded in my DNA.

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As the result of my contribution, our candidates are guided towards achieving their career aspirations, also, corporations get access to the best candidates succeeding in their new roles. Understanding their motivation, mapping their attitudes, values and preferences is the most exciting part of my job. To be able to run a perfect research process I need to be able to put this into the right context, meaning having a full understanding of the client’s expectations and preferences. This approach results in handling all projects in a positive, constructive and progressive manner, causing excellent candidate and client experience throughout the whole project. I really enjoy applying creativity and innovation in my work that allows me running successful research projects in all industries and specialization. The other area of my focus is on client and stakeholder experience. The way I handle the communication helps me a lot to build trustful relationship with all partners and colleagues I work with.

My motto is:
“Be the most ethical, the most responsible, the most authentic you can be with every breath you take, because you are cutting a path into tomorrow that others will follow.” (Ken Wilber)

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Ágnes Mészáros

Research Consultant – Executive Search

In today’s fast-paced world, the way one looks for a job is constantly changing. As an HR professional, I am often faced with the fact that it is a challenge to keep up with the dynamically changing job application requirements, even for experienced candidates.

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However, the kind of work one does, makes a difference because everybody spends a third of their adult lives at work. Our occupation and work environment are an integral part of who we are and how we think about ourselves. I believe that everyone deserves to be successful and efficient in what they do. This is not only the case for those who are changing a job, but also for those who will be working with them. That is why my credo is not only to find the right leader for a company but also to find the right place for someone who is thinking about making a change.

It is motivating for me to be able to help pave the way for a new opportunity, a new career path.

As a headhunter and career consultant, influencing the career decisions of others is both a challenge and a great responsibility. It is a job that can only be done well with humility, patience, and empathy, always bearing in mind that the most important asset in work till today is the person.

“Working with the right person can make the toughest day go well and working with the wrong person can make the simplest task excruciatingly difficult.”
– Scott Kelly, astronaut

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